Sur la base des notes aromatiques de ce parfum, le profil aromatique de ce parfum raffiné peut être comparé à celui de Fierce d'Abercrombie & Fitch.*Veuillez noter : ces comparaisons sont basées sur de simples représentations de notes aromatiques mais jamais sur une correspondance exacte.
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Les matériaux se terminant par un code/nom de marque indiquent une qualité standardisée
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Customer Reviews
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Based on 2 reviews Average Rating 4.50 stars out of 4.50/5
I’ve been dying to get a sniff at the now discontinued Axe Apollo, and that too for the past 10 years. The scent that is much close to it is the A&F Fierce. I bought this just to see whether it smells the same or not and to my surprise, the scent is so close. The first sniff brought so much happiness to me. Thanks team Bulkaroma.
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*Please note: The technical specifications provided on this page have been listed manually and may contain occasional errors or require updates. If you notice discrepancies, we can relook at this data and/or work with the manufacturer to ensure accuracy of data.
Certificate of Anaylsis (COA)**
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** Please note: The data provided on this page may be from an earlier batch and is for representative purpose only. For bulk orders exceeding 25kg, we can supply these ingredients along with COA.