Sur la base des notes aromatiques de ce parfum, le profil aromatique de ce parfum raffiné peut être comparé à celui de Sauvage de Dior.*Veuillez noter : ces comparaisons sont basées sur de simples représentations de notes aromatiques mais jamais sur une correspondance exacte.
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Les matériaux se terminant par un code/nom de marque indiquent une qualité standardisée
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Customer Reviews
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Based on 3 reviews Average Rating 5.00 stars out of 5.00/5
Smells close to the original Dior Sauvage. Good buy at this price point.
Decent Quality
* Smell profile is similar to Dior Sauvage EDT. If you want to experience the smell, take a sniff of Wildstone Code Iridium. This oil smells exactly like Wildstone Iridium.
* The only lacking factor is that prominent sweet and pungent bergamot opening note you get while smelling Dior Sauvage up close just after spraying. The opening citrus note is subtle and toned down otherwise a great smell alike of Dior Sauvage EDT.
* The oil quality is superb. It's viscosity is thinner than the Attars available in the market which makes it easier to blend. The oil color is clear.
not notch quality
go for it it will completely justify the givaudan name top quality almost close to og notes will buy again
Question asked: This product CMP 42 - Savage Fire - a directly applicable perfume or should we mix with perfumers alcohol to make it a perfume?
This product CMP 42 - Savage Fire - a directly applicable perfume or should we mix with perfumers alcohol to make it a perfume?
This can be used for both applications.if you want to make it as a spray, goto option has been usin 5 to 40% of fragrance and remaining ethyl alcohol and let it mature/macerate for about 2 to 3 weeks. Maceration helps in bringing a wholesome finish to your perfume.
<br> <b>Nom</b> : CMP 42 - Feu Sauvage<br> <b>Aspect</b> : Liquide incolore à très légèrement jaune<br> <b>Profil sensoriel</b> : Aromatique, Boisé<br> <b>Point d'éclair</b> : 84°C<br> <b>Densité spécifique (20/4°C)</b> : 0.9935-1.0035<br> <b>Indice de réfraction (25°C)</b> : 1.4435-1.4535<br> <b>Durée de conservation</b> : Meilleur avant 12 mois à compter de la date de fabrication<br>
*Please note: The technical specifications provided on this page have been listed manually and may contain occasional errors or require updates. If you notice discrepancies, we can relook at this data and/or work with the manufacturer to ensure accuracy of data.
Certificate of Anaylsis (COA)**
<br> <b>Nom</b> : CMP 42 - Feu Sauvage<br> <b>N° de lot</b> : JI00208623<br> <b>Aspect</b> : Conforme<br> <b>Point d'éclair</b> : Conforme<br> <b>Densité spécifique (20/4°C)</b> : 0.9988<br> <b>Indice de réfraction (25°C)</b> : 1.4485<br> <b>Durée de conservation</b> : Meilleur avant 12 mois à compter de la date de fabrication<br>
** Please note: The data provided on this page may be from an earlier batch and is for representative purpose only. For bulk orders exceeding 25kg, we can supply these ingredients along with COA.